iPhone 10

Back to the Basics: Revisiting the iPhone 10 in 2024

Remember 2017, mate? Yeah, it feels like forever ago. Back then, fidget spinners were all the rage, and the iPhone 10 was the hottest gadget on the block. Let’s take a trip down memory lane, revisit this iconic phone, and find out if it is worth it to buy iPhone 10 in Australia in 2024, shall we?

The iPhone X: A turning point for Apple

The iPhone 10 wasn’t just another iPhone. It marked a significant shift in Apple’s design philosophy. Gone was the familiar home button, replaced by a sleek, all-screen display with a tiny notch at the top. This bold move divided opinions.

Some people loved the modern look, while others missed the convenience of the home button. Love it or hate it, the Apple iPhone 10 undeniably paved the way for the bezel-less displays that dominate the smartphone market today.

According to a report by IDC, smartphone shipments with bezel-less displays grew 138% in 2018, the year after the iPhone X launched. Talk about a significant impact.

Iconic features that we still love:

Sure, the iPhone X might be a few generations old, but it still boasts some features that are considered top-notch even by 2024 standards. Here are a few highlights:

  • The A11 Bionic chip: This powerhouse processor was a beast in its time and can still handle most modern apps and games with relative ease. Benchmark tests by AnandTech showed the A11 Bionic chip outperforming most of its Android competitors in 2017, and it remains a solid performer even today.
  • The dual-lens camera: The iPhone 10 offered a significant upgrade in the camera department, introducing a dual-lens system on the iPhone. It allowed for features like Portrait Mode, which lets you capture stunning photos with a blurred background effect.
  • While camera technology has advanced significantly since then, the iPhone X’s camera can still take impressive pictures, especially in good lighting conditions.
  • Face ID: This facial recognition system was another major innovation introduced with this iPhone.  It replaced the Touch ID fingerprint sensor and offered a more secure and convenient way to unlock your phone. While Face ID has seen improvements in later iPhone models, the original version on the Apple 10 was still a game-changer.

What do we miss about the iPhone X?

Here are a few things we miss about this old friend:

  • The compact design: Compared to today’s massive smartphones, the iPhone 10 feels downright petite. Its 5.8-inch display was easy to hold and use in one hand, something that can’t be said for most current flagships.
  • The headphone jack: Remember when you didn’t need a dongle to listen to your favourite tunes? The Apple iPhone X was one of the last iPhones to feature a headphone jack, which many users still miss for convenience.
  • The 3D touch display: This pressure-sensitive display allows deeper interaction with the phone’s interface. While developers didn’t widely adopt it, some users found it a more intuitive way to navigate certain apps. Unfortunately, Apple eventually phased out 3D Touch.

Is the iPhone X usable in 2024?

The nostalgia trip is fun, but let’s get real: is the iPhone X still a viable option in Australia in 2024? The answer depends on your needs and budget. Here’s a breakdown:

The Good Stuff:

  • Decent performance: While the A11 Bionic chip is no longer the top dog, it can still handle most everyday tasks and many popular apps. You might experience some slowdown with graphically demanding games or super-intensive multitasking, but it’s still manageable for casual users.
  • Solid camera: While low-light performance might not be stellar compared to newer iPhones, the dual-lens camera still takes decent pictures in good lighting. Portrait Mode is a fun feature you can still enjoy.
  • Software Updates (for now): Apple typically offers software updates for iPhones for several (5-7) years after their release. As of July 2024, the iPhone X is still receiving iOS updates, which means you’ll get the newest security patches and some new features.

The not-so-good stuff:

  • Battery life: Batteries degrade over time, and the iPhone 10 is no exception. You may need to charge it more frequently than you used to. Consider replacing the battery if your usage is significantly impacted.
  • Storage constraints: The base model variant came with only 64GB of storage, which can feel cramped in 2024 with all the photos, videos, and apps we accumulate. Regularly cleaning up unwanted files or opting for cloud storage might be necessary.
  • Aging design: Compared to newer Apple iPhones with larger, edge-to-edge displays and faster refresh rates, the iPhone X might feel a bit dated visually.

The Verdict: Who should buy the iPhone X in Australia in 2024?

The iPhone X can still be a good option for:

  • Budget-conscious buyers: If you’re looking for a reliable iPhone on a tight budget, a used iPhone X can be a decent choice. Just be sure to buy from a reputable source and carefully check the phone’s condition before purchasing.
  • Secondary phone: If you need a backup phone or one for a specific purpose, like a music player or camera for light usage, the iPhone X can be a good option.
  • Tech-savvy users who like to tinker: If you’re comfortable replacing batteries or making minor repairs, you can potentially extend the lifespan of your iPhone X for a few more years.

Worthy alternatives to consider:

If the iPhone X feels a bit too long in the tooth, here are some alternatives to consider:

  • Newer iPhones: Obviously, newer iPhones like the iPhone 13, 14, or 15 will offer better performance, cameras, and battery life. However, they’ll come at a higher price.
  • Android phones: The Android market offers various phones at various prices. Before making a decision, consider factors like features, brand preference, and compatibility with other devices you own.

Ultimately, whether or not the iPhone X is still usable in 2024 depends on your individual needs and priorities. It can still be a good choice if you value a budget-friendly option and are okay with some limitations.

However, it might be time to consider an upgrade if you crave the latest and fanciest features and fast performance.

The iPhone X: A Legacy That Lives On

The iPhone X might not be the best phone on the market anymore, but its impact on the smartphone industry is undeniable. It ushered in a new era of bezel-less displays, secure facial recognition, and powerful processors.

While its features may no longer be cutting-edge, it still holds a special place in the hearts of many Apple fans. So, the next time you pick up your shiny new iPhone 15, take a moment to appreciate and acknowledge the groundwork laid by the iPhone 10. Without this pioneering phone, the smartphones we use and love today might look very different.


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