Manager Feedback Survey Questions: The Ultimate Guide

Are you looking to gather valuable feedback from your employees to improve your management practices and create a more positive work environment? Conducting a manager feedback survey is a great way to get insights into how your leadership style is perceived and identify areas for improvement. In this article, we will discuss the importance of manager feedback survey questions and provide you with a list of insightful questions to include in your next survey.

Why Conduct a Manager Feedback Survey?

Receiving feedback from your employees about your management style can help you identify blind spots and areas for improvement. By conducting a manager feedback survey, you show your employees that their opinions are valued, which can lead to increased morale and job satisfaction. Additionally, feedback from your team can help you make more informed decisions and create a more positive and productive work environment.

The Best Manager Feedback Survey Questions

When crafting your manager feedback survey, it’s important to ask questions that will elicit honest and constructive feedback from your employees. Here are some example questions you can include in your survey:

  1. How would you rate the overall effectiveness of your manager in leading the team?
  2. Do you feel that your manager communicates effectively and provides clear direction?
  3. Are you satisfied with the level of support and guidance provided by your manager?
  4. Do you feel that your manager values your input and feedback?
  5. How would you rate the level of trust between you and your manager?
  6. Are you given opportunities for professional development and growth under your manager’s leadership?
  7. How would you describe the overall morale and team dynamics under your manager’s supervision?
    By asking these questions, you can gain valuable insights into how your employees perceive your management style and identify areas where improvements can be made.


In conclusion, conducting a manager feedback survey is a valuable tool for gathering insights into your leadership style and creating a more positive work environment. By asking the right questions and listening to the feedback provided by your team, you can make informed decisions to improve your management practices and foster a more productive and engaged workforce. Consider using the manager feedback survey questions provided in this article to kickstart the feedback process and make positive changes in your organization.


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